A community of over 10,000
members worldwide

Delivering social, business, leisure and sporting activities for
OPs, as well as supporting the school.

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An introduction from Jeremy Withers Green, OPC President

Atrium magazine

Spring/Summer 2024

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Old Pauline Club Annual General Meeting - 20 June 2024

The Old Pauline Club Annual General Meeting 2024 will take place on Thursday 20 June 2024 at 6pm in the Montgomery Room at St Paul’s School in Barnes.


OPC Summer Drinks and Comedy Night - Wednesday 12 June, 6pm

Join Alumni and Alumnae of St Paul’s and St Paul’s Girls’ schools for relaxed drinks and to enjoy some excellent stand up comedy. MC Hammersmith (2005-10), Rhys Collier (2002-07) and Amber Donebauer (SPGS 1997-2004) will perform, alongside the evening’s MC, Oli Gilford (2006-11).


The Old Pauline Trust Limited

The Old Pauline Trust Limited was set up at the time of the Old Pauline Club’s centenary in 1972. Its aim was to establish a substantial capital fund, the income from which would be used to benefit members of the Club and the School. The Trust makes awards of up to £500 to Old Paulines undertaking worthy projects around the world.

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Make a gift in your will

Legacy gifts to St Paul’s can be your lasting tribute: an acknowledgement of what the School helped you achieve in life. Leaving a legacy to St Paul’s enables you to help the talented pupils who follow behind you.

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With our thriving networks now supporting and connecting Old Paulines, there are many ways in which OPs can enjoy getting together and keeping in touch, all around the globe.
Brian Jones, Former OPC President