The Old Pauline Trust Limited
The Trust was set up at the time of the Old Pauline Club’s centenary in 1972. Its aim was to establish a substantial capital fund, the income from which would be used to benefit members of the Club and the School.
The Trust makes awards of up to £500 to Old Paulines undertaking worthy projects around the world. These have included volunteering for a leading human rights agency in Delhi, a gap environmental project in Borneo, and volunteer work with Mercy Ships on the coast of Africa.
It also grants funds in support of school societies and sports (such as tours, achievements and development ventures). Old Pauline affiliated clubs (for example the OP Rugby, Golf, Cricket and Football clubs) have regularly benefited from Trust support with the aim of improving facilities or enabling younger members to play a fuller part.
In recent years the Trust has made contributions to fund portraits of retiring High Masters, to the War Memorial and to support the School’s Summer Festival. It also finances the Thomas Clarkson award, the Old Pauline Club prize and the Old Pauline Club Shield (awarded to a Pauline in Upper Eighth who achieves distinction at national or international level).
The Trust’s fund is in good health and we welcome applications from individuals or societies. Please download the Application Form here and send your completed form to the Hon Secretary, Sam Hyman (sam@hyman.org).