As the Old Pauline Club – St Paul’s Alumni Association’s new President, it is a pleasure to welcome you to our website.
The Old Pauline Club, though founded in 1872, remains a determinedly forward-thinking and constantly evolving organisation. The Club has a community of over 10,000 valued members living and working across the globe and our aim is to connect them through social, cultural and sporting opportunities, as well as online and through the celebration of landmark school and OPC events. Members of the Club also receive regular newsletters and updates from the Club and the School, as well as a biannual magazine, Atrium.
On leaving School, all Paulines automatically become members of the OPC and social members of Colets, the sports facility located in Thames Ditton. This website gives details of the Club’s diary of social and business events, sporting activities and branches in the UK and overseas. We aim to provide diverse, inclusive and engaging opportunities for all ages; if there is an activity or event that you feel would be of benefit to other OPs, please do contact us.
We recommend that all OPs join St Paul’s Connect, a networking and mentoring platform designed to connect the entire St Paul’s community and the OPC LinkedIn page.
We always welcome your comments and suggestions of news stories and information for inclusion on the website, Atrium, the newsletter and our social media platforms. Please contact community@stpaulsschool.org.uk.
I look forward to meeting many of you over the course of the next two years,
Jeremy Withers Green (1975-80), OPC President
Our online networking platform for the St Paul’s Community, providing an easier way to connect both socially and professionally.
The Old Pauline Club has a number of affiliated clubs that run sports throughout the year including football, rugby, golf, tennis and cricket.