The Old Pauline Club was founded in 1872 and since then the Club has grown into a community of over 10,000 members worldwide, where Old Paulines gather regularly and stay in touch with each other.
The Club also supports the interests of St Paul’s School and creates a platform for those leaving the school after their final year to become active members.
Please explore the site to find out about the services that the OP Club offers including the social and business events, sporting activities at Thames Ditton, the school and further afield, contacts for a branch in your area, and much more. If you are an Old Pauline then these pages will enable you also to continue your connection with other Old Paulines and with St Paul’s School.
The Old Pauline Lodge was founded in 1919 for OPs, Staff and others associated with the School.
The Old Pauline Club has a number of affiliated clubs that run sports throughout the year.
Our online networking platform for the St Paul’s Community, providing an easier way to connect both socially and professionally.