In June 2021, the OPC Main Committee voted, with 82% in favour, to change the name of the Old Pauline Club to the St Paul’s Alumni Association.
It was considered that, as part of modernising the OPC and attracting the involvement of younger members, the words “Old” and “Club” had negative connotations in the context of an alumni association and that a change of name would be helpful.
The change of name would not be imposed on the OP sports and other affiliated clubs, the naming of which would be up to the sports clubs themselves.
Alumni would continue to be called Old Paulines or OPs.
Changing the name requires a change of rules. Any change of rules needs a two thirds majority on a members’ vote at an SGM.
The Executive Committee at a meeting on 12 May agreed the process and timetable that would be followed for the name change and other proposed changes to the rules ahead of that SGM.