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July 15, 2024

Ypres Salient Trip Provides Chance to Learn About OPs in World War I

There is a call for expressions of interest in a guided tour of the Ypres Salient, telling the stories of some of the OPs who fell in the Salient in World War I.

Graham Seel was St Paul’s School Head of History (2012-2018) and Head of Faculty Humanities (2018-2021). In 2020 he undertook a sabbatical in order to research the stories of OPs who fought in the 1st World War, duly revising the total number of OPs who fell from 490 to 511. His work resulted in a two-volume history that can be viewed on the ‘History and Archives’ page on the SPS website here.

He is now offering to lead a three-night/four-day guided tour of the Ypres Salient. Based in Ypres, the tour will follow in the footsteps of some of the 93 OPs who fell in the Salient. It will visit graves and memorials of OPs, some of which are found away from the well-beaten tourist routes.

In addition, through the use of trench maps and unit diaries held by the National Archives, Graham has discovered many of the actual locations where an OP received his mortal wound. Individually and collectively, these stories are as powerful as they are memorable.

Ypres is an attractive medieval city in Belgium, a little over an hour by road from Calais. In addition to its role in World War I, the town boasts a world famous reputation for its beer and chocolates. It is proposed that the tour will be undertaken in a comfortable mini-bus and that accommodation will be in a well-regarded hotel in Ypres.

Graham will deliver a talk each evening, furnishing extra detail and context to the stories of the fallen OPs. Graham has eschewed any payment for guiding the tour, asking instead that any OP who participates in the tour make a donation to the school’s Bursary Appeal.

It is intended that the tour will occur in September 2025, and more information will be sent to those who register their interest, which you can do by emailing

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