We recognise that many people have demands on their finances which prevent them from making a gift to St Paul’s in their lifetime.
Others may have made donations to the School during their life but also wish to leave a gift as a final gesture.
Legacy gifts to St Paul’s can be your lasting tribute; an acknowledgement of what the School helped you achieve in life. Leaving a legacy to St Paul’s enables you to help the talented pupils who follow behind you.
Legacies are an easy and tax advantageous way to support St Paul’s. All gifts are exempt from inheritance tax and, for estates that leave 10% or more to charity, there is a reduction in inheritance tax from 40% to 36%. Legacies of all sizes make a huge difference and play a very important part in securing St Paul’s future.
When you leave a legacy to St Paul’s you can specify how you would like it to be used. You may wish to support a specific area such as bursaries or capital projects or ask for it to be allocated to the area of greatest need which is at the Governors’ discretion.
If you decide you would like to leave a legacy to St Paul’s or indeed have already mentioned the School in your will, we kindly request that you notify us by completing our Legacy Gift Form. This is not a requirement and does not bind you in any way, but it does give us the opportunity to invite you to become a member of the Colet Society and, importantly, to thank you.
Leaving a legacy to St Paul’s in your will is a straightforward process. When you are making a bequest in your will, please note the beneficiary as St Paul’s School,
Lonsdale Road, London, SW13 9JT (Registered Charity Number 1119619).
We would ask those leaving a legacy to consider where they would like their gift
to be directed to an area of school life that is important to you.
The areas that St Paul’s requires help in are detailed in the Shaping our Future campaign launched in Spring 2019 are;
Unrestricted – to support all priority areas of need in the School at the Governors’ discretion.
Widening Access – increasing bursaries
St Paul’s in Partnership – working with the local community
Building to Inspire – continuing to create a world-class School
To discuss legacy giving in confidence, please contact: Ellie Sleeman, Director of Development and Engagement, or Samantha Bushell, Development Manager. Email development@stpaulsschool.org.uk or call 020 8746 5313.