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April 15, 2024

New York catch ups enjoyed by Old Paulines and Old Paulinas

Seven Old Paulines, Paulinas and guests enjoyed the regular annual mid-winter and almost-Valentine’s Day cocktails and nibbles hosted by Betsy Morris, wife of the late Jamie Morris (1959-63), on Thursday 15 February at Betsy’s magnificent New York City apartment with stunning views of the Manhattan skyline.

Front row, left to right: OP Ed Pomeroy, Betsy Morris. Back row: Dean (guest), OPs Simon Strauss, Stephanie Connor, Luca Perper, Anna Roberts and Jon Lightman. Not pictured: Kut Akdogan.

Additionally, eight Old Paulines and guests sampled the delights of the University Club, New York’s fine main dining room, at lunch on Thursday 21 March.

Pictured from left to right: Henry Cordes, Rohan Doctor, Michael Preston, Robin Hirsch, Paulina Stephanie Connor, Ed Pomeroy and guest Betsy Morris, wife of the late OP Jamie Morris. Not pictured ace photographer and host Simon Strauss.

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