A report from the Old Pauline Lodge in respect of their recent June meeting.
Our Lodge was formed in 1919 (writes David Cons) and is one of 33 Public School Lodges forming part of the Public Schools Lodges Council.
Our members are all Old Paulines and we meet four times a year at the School to enjoy a meeting followed by a dinner in one of the School dining rooms. We often entertain members of the other School Lodges at our meetings.
Following the problems of Covid it was not possible to hold our June meeting at the School, so we dined with tables of six at the St. Paul’s Hotel – the only part of the original Hammersmith buildings that remains – which older Old Paulines will remember was School House before the move to Barnes in 1968. There is a video of the old school in the reception of the hotel which brought back many memories to some of us and is well worth a visit. At the meeting Zvi Solomons was installed as our Worshipful Master for the year to March 2022 by his predecessor Peter Baker.
The next meeting of the Lodge is due to take place on October 14 which is also the rearranged date for the Old Pauline Club annual dinner, so after our meeting at the School we will be dining together at the Club dinner. Any Old Pauline who is interested to learn more about Freemasonry and our Lodge should email our secretary Nigel Young – secretary@oldpaulinelodge.org.uk