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July 28, 2023

Pauline vs OP Ultimate Frisbee

On Wednesday 28 June, the School’s ultimate frisbee team members were delighted to welcome back last year’s first team (now OPs) for a training session followed by a match.

There was some hotly contested sibling rivalry between two sets of OP/current Pauline brothers, but in the end the extra experience of the OPs made the difference, as they won 8-5.

It was great to see them and hear tales of university-level ultimate frisbee, as several of the OPs are already playing for their university first and second teams.

OPs in attendance (all 2017-22) were: Senan Bottomley, George Davies, Sandro Enukidze, Nick Haas, Will Hitchcock, Rory McDowell, Rehman Oomer, Ben Roberts and Rana Sarin.

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