It is with sadness that we share news of the death of David Wakefield (Director of Art, 1978-2001). Please see below a notice from his son, Colonel David Wakefield OBE (1981-86):
I’m sorry to be the bearer of this sad news but I must tell you that my father, Mr David Wakefield (Head of Art at SPS 1978-2001) left us at around 1600 on Saturday afternoon (15th October).
It had been a slow and gentle decline over the past few weeks but not once was he in pain or distress. Despite him having been at one point expected to pass over a week previously he clung on, defying the various clinical prognoses with that understated awkward-squad, bloody-mindedness that was an enduring characteristic.
When the end came it was truly peaceful and with him holding his wife Seiko’s hand and me (Colonel David Wakefield OBE (1981-86)) and my step-brother Douglas Ayling (1993-97) bedside. Before that he had had special time with my sister Lizzy and my step-sister Sophie too.
Rather than flowers, the family requests donations to Orbis (https://secure.orbis.org/) a charity which helps to protect and restore people’s sight in some of the poorest parts of the world, and which Dad supported for many years.